One has to have an immeasurable amount of trust and confidence in the elusive entity called coincidence, in order to deny the claim of Jerusalem being the harlot of Revelation.

Let me explain.

Did you also know that Ezekiel parallels Revelation from front to back?

 Read these references for yourselves! Its got more bible backing it up than anything else!

Some claim that one does not have to reference he rest of the bible to interpret something like Revelation. Well, think of this for a moment. I have showed people a veritable flurry of references, left and right, that match Revelation perfectly, in speaking of Jerusalem as the harlot.  Read the entire 16th chapter of Ezekiel for one of the foremost of those references.  Is that mere coincidence, meant to be cast aside for some extrabiblical issue? Think for a moment about this, seriously.

What I am saying all points to the cross and the punishment for those who crucified the Lord, just as Jesus said in Matthew 23:34-45.  I mean, He spoke explicitly and incontrovertibly to "Jerusalem"!

And by the way, the cross is the most important issue in the entire word of God!

With all this flurry of referencing to Jerusalem, the very entity named by Jesus, who crucified the Lord, and our proposal that THIS VERY CITY who was directly involved in crucifying the Lord, using Rome (John 19:15) whom we clearly know is one of the beasts of Daniel's visions, and with all the emphasis upon the judgment of all judgments coming upon that Jerusalem when the Lord was crucified, can you not see that there just might be something to this?  Would you not say there is merit in the thought that the most stressed issue in the word of God, towards which the entire Old Testament pointed forward, and towards which the entire New Testament points back  -- THE CROSS -- , might just also be the entire centre of the issues of bible prophecy, in more ways than tradition has made us think? Could not the people directly responsible for the CROSS, the greatest of all events, be the recipients of the greatest amount of wrath ever spoken about in the Bible, and which wrath occupies the vast majority of the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ?

After all, would not a Revelation of Jesus, the inception of the New Covenant, bring such things to mind?

All through Revelation are cursings and blessings. We read of the saints blessed beyond measure, and the sinners cursed. Could not this refer to the issues surrounding the cross and those who accepted Christ as opposed to those who slew Him?

Yes, we all are responsible for the cross. But even so, Jesus spoke vehement wrath upon Jerusalem of His day for crucifying Him. And he even mentioned crucify in His address to Jerusalem for her murders (Mat 23:34)!

Could God be showing something and many are purposely blinding themselves to it as they read our words?

Are all my interpretations of the visions of Revelation perfect? Most likely not! But I know that I know that I know about the overall issue.

What other interpretation stresses this thought of how the cross is so elemental in the word, and how this version of prophecy makes the cross the sore thought of the cursings and blessings found in Revelation? It all came to me in prayerful study of the scriptures, while I was studying the works of the cross. But I sure found out there were indeed others who were rhyming the same thoughts I was receiving!

Don't take my word alone for it. Look for yourself at the emphasis upon the cross that this viewpoint is pushing towards you. And just consider it, is all that I ask.

Does that not witness with your spirit?

More scriptures abound here than any other interpretations that I know of can afford you.  There's more scripture concerning Jerusalem being the harlot than for the Catholic church being the whore, for example, or any other entity. Not only that, but this viewpoint I "discovered" in reading the bible as the Lord led me, points to the days of the cross and the surrounding immediate history more than any other interpretation.

I pray everyone be open to see the beauty of it.