MF Blume
June 5, 1996

Two Witnesses are seen throughout scripture as standing by "the God of the whole earth," as we see them here in John's Revelation.  Although they are not actually referred to as standing by the God of the whole earth in every instance they are mentioned, nevertheless each instance is somehow linked with that thought.

We read of two witnesses in Revelation chapter 11 who are also referred to as two olive trees.  And the manner in which John relates this information to us seems to indicate that we are to look elsewhere in the Bible for mention of another or other instances where they are referred to.  We read, "These are the olive trees, and two candlesticks standing before the God of the whole earth," as if it is a common understanding that a previous mention of them is given in the Bible.  It was as though John wrote: "These are the two olive trees previously noted in Scripture."  Through cross-referencing we indeed do find another mention of two olive trees standing before the God of the whole earth in Zechariah chapter 4.


  Here are the two olive trees, but they are seen in a vision, and not actual physical trees.  Visions were always symbolic of messages God desired to show people, or symbolic of events that would come to pass.  Sometimes God Himself would provide the interpretation by way of an angel as in this case.  Zechariah was asked what the emblems of the vision actually symbolized.  He responded his inability to determine that factor.  So the angel proceeded to explain the meaning.
  The vision was interpreted by the angel, but yet was another elusive picture, for the angel replied it was a message for Zerubbabel, and partly involved the thought, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts."  It was a message saying that a mountain stood which would be flattened down and made into a plain before Zerubbabel.  A headstone or capstone would then be erected at the removal of the mountainous obstacle with shouts of "grace, Grace!"  towards it.

We must understand the picture which historically involved this man Zerubbabel in order to further determine the involvement of two olive trees.  He was a leader amongst the Israelites who returned to Israel from Babylonian captivity.  He worked with Joshua, the High Priest at the time.  Together these men rebuilt the altar and laid the foundation for the temple, but were halted by opposition from people who dwelt in Palestine during the exile.  Haggai and Zechariah encouraged Zerubbabel by Word from God to continue building.

God continued to speak to Zechariah concerning Zerubbabel:
  Here, we read of the seven eyes of the Lord which rejoice to see the weak instrumentality of Zerubbabel used to accomplish a great work for God.


We see mention of the seven eyes of God running to and fro "throughout the whole earth."  Now, this is a point of connection with the reference to the two witnesses in Revelation 11, for the two witnesses are there said to stand before "the God of the whole earth."  Added to the thought of two witnesses associated with the God of the whole earth is the thought of the seven eyes of the Lord.  These seven eyes of the Lord are also mentioned in the book of revelation!
  The Lamb is undoubtedly a symbol of Jesus Christ who was slain for our salvation.  He is seen in Revelation with seven eyes!  And again we read that these seven eyes are associated with "all the earth."  So, now, Jesus Christ is involved in the great picture of TWO WITNESSES.  Revelation 5:6 says the seven eyes are the seven spirits of God.  The reference to the seven eyes being the "seven spirits" of God is also made elsewhere in Revelation.
  The number seven implies completeness in the Bible, and was first indicated so in Genesis when God completed creation and rested the seventh day.  Having seven eyes is then interpreted as having full and complete vision.  Since Jesus has seven eyes, we can say that he sees all things.  Nothing is hidden from Him.  And this is exactly what Scripture tells us about Jesus.
  "All things" are opened to His sight.  In other words, He has, as it were, seven eyes.  We can understand the association of a God of the whole earth and seven eyes, since seven eyes depicts the fact that this God can see all things in the entire earth.  So this thought comes into play when we read about the seven eyes of the lord rejoicing to see the work of Zerubbabel in laying the foundation of the temple.  Why would they rejoice?



Zechariah heard God tell him that the eyes of the Lord rejoice.  In order to understand this phrase we must recognize that the seven eyes of the Lord look for specific things in the world, as follows:

Here, the "whole earth" is again indicated, because God sees all that is in the entire earth and nothing is hidden from him.  The thought of God's seven eyes looking for one in whose behalf God might show Himself strong is brought out in this passage.  This is notable.  It is vital to our understanding of why God's eyes rejoice.  The reference to our admonition to not despise the day of small things (Zech 4:10) in association with the work of Zerubbabel informs us that Zerubbabel's efforts were despised by people as small and insignificant due to weakness in his instrumentality.  Yet God's eyes rejoice in such a spectacle!  God actually looks for weak instrumentality!  When one is weak and has not much ability, God can use such a one to show Himself strong on that one's behalf.  When one is weak, and knows it, and that one's heart is complete and whole towards God, one receives God's complete attention (seven eyes).  TO reach out for the strength of God's help in recognition of one's own inherent weakness, si to glorify God to the full!

God looks for weak people who rely upon His strength.  That is what Grace is all about.  Shouts of GRACE are made to the mountain before Zerubbabel to flatten it in order to show us that it is not our power, but God's power, that accomplishes the deed.  Grace is God's power at work due to the inability of our power to accomplish the deed.

The Gospel of Grace is the POWER, not of man, but of GOD.

It is the power of God.  Zechariah was shown that men who know they cannot accomplish a deed for God, and look to Him for that power, are men that God is looking for!  His eyes rejoice to see such men, for they are rare and few in number.

God told Zechariah, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts," to inform him that human might and human power are indeed weak, and nothing can be truly accomplished through those means.  It must be by God's Spirit.


  Zechariah was told that two olive trees represented the two anointed ones who stand by "the Lord of the whole earth."

Notice how they stood on either side of the seven branched candlestick.  The candlestick speaks of Christ who is a Lamb with seven eyes.  Two men are then indicated here.  They are Joshua and Zerubbabel.  These men were God's anointed vessels who were seen by God who searched the whole world for those who would recognize their inability and God's ability, so that God might loose His power in the earth.  This is what the book of Zechariah was all about.

Another interesting parallel with Revelation chapter 11 is seen in Zechariah.

The two witnesses are seen in Revelation 11 after we read about John measuring the temple, just as Zechariah saw a man with a measuring line (Rev. 11:1-2).  God indicated the restoration of Jerusalem by showing a man measuring the City.  Obviously the same thought is to be interpreted in Revelation 11.  And this will give us insight as to Revelation's message!

At any rate, the two witnesses, Joshua and Zerubbabel, were two anointed men.  They were anointed for the purpose of being strengthened due to their inherent weakness.  God looked for such men!  God will not anoint proud men who think they can do it without His help.  He would not receive glory through such men, for they would take the credit to themselves.   So He looks for humble , weak instruments to accomplish great things.

Here, Joshua is associated with seven eyes.  We already read where Zerubbabel was associated with seven golden candlesticks.

Two  men, whose weakness drove them to rely upon God in faith, and who were targeted by God's seven eyes that look throughout the entire earth to strengthen such people for His glory, are empowered by God.  It is not might, nor human power, but God's Spirit that accomplishes great feats!  Notice how God's power is given to the two witnesses.

  Their witness is one of power supplied by God's Spirit for the purpose of restoration.  As Joshua and Zerubbabel restored the temple, these witnesses of Revelation are involved in a great restorative work concerning a temple, for we read,
  Later we find:
  A temple is opened after these witnesses complete their work.  And the Kingdoms of this world of earth become God's Kingdoms.  All is restored to God that originally was lost by Adam.  And it all is accomplished by God's Spirit strengthening mankind in anointing.

One might question the link that "anointing" has with God's Spirit, even though the vision of Zechariah, showing two olive trees, was distinctly interpreted as a picture of God's Spirit strengthening the weak men.  First of all, we read about the two olive trees:

Connect Jesus' words concerning anointing with our theme.
  Here we see anointing coupled with the aspect of seven spirits.
  1. Spirit of the Lord.
  2. Anointing to preach the Gospel to the poor.
  3. Anointing to heal the brokenhearted.
  4. Anointing to preach deliverance to the captives.
  5. Anointing to recover sight to the blind.
  6. Anointing to set the bruised at liberty.
  7. Anointing to preach the acceptable year (Year of jubilee) of the Lord.
This is seen again in Isaiah 11.
  1. Spirit of the Lord.
  2. Spirit of wisdom.
  3. Spirit of understanding.
  4. Spirit of counsel.
  5. Spirit of might.
  6. Spirit of knowledge.
  7. Spirit of the fear of the Lord.
One might say that the mention of "the Spirit of the Lord" amongst the six other 'spirits' and 'anointings' does not make it a seventh spirit or a seventh anointing since it is speaking about the Spirit of God in general, whereas the following 'anointings' and 'spirits' are specific.  One might contend we cannot get seven spirits from these references.  Nevertheless, we do see a picture of the seven golden candlesticks in this thought, that tells us otherwise.  Notice what the candlestick looked like:
  One main shaft had six "branches" protruding from it, indicating the "Spirit of the Lord" with six "branching" spirits, or six anointings.

Could the picture of the six branches on each side of the shaft also indicate two human witnesses on either side of Christ, the vine?  The number 6 represents mankind, since man was created on the sixth day of Genesis 1.  And the whole point of the Spirit strengthening the two witnesses is that there are two humans whose inherent strength is comparatively too weak for such monumental tasks as those accomplished in the anointing of God's Spirit upon them.

Recall the vision of the two olive trees by the candlesticks, and the reference to the cry, "Grace, grace unto it!"  What is grace?  Grace is divine empowerment!  Praise God!

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