Rev. William H. Bustard



 I entered the Ministry in 1962, and Pastored my second Church by 1976, at which time the Lord began to deal with me about the Deliverance Ministry.  I was not prepared for the things that were to follow.

 After a period of time in my third Pastoral charge, I decided to evangelize for the summer.  Arrangements were made for another Pastor to oversee my Church congregation while I was absent.  I evangelized and preached in different churches around New Brunswick, Canada, and Maine.

 During meetings in one small town, the power of God manifested through the gifts of the Spirit.  God directed me to a young lady in the congregation who needed help.   She came forward.   The Spirit of God came upon her, she began to praise Jesus and spoke in other tongues as she was miraculously filled with the Holy Ghost.

 After we left this area and had preached for approximately three weeks, the Holy Spirit directed us to another town within a few miles from the town where we ministered to the young lady.   After we dismissed the meeting, a man came to me and asked if I would go to his home and pray for his son.  I agreed. When I entered his home I noticed about a dozen people sitting in the living room, one of which was the young lady who had received her Baptism in the Holy Spirit just three weeks previous.

 We all knelt to pray and I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to lay hands on her.  When I did, she sprang around, and a very angry voice spoke to me.  It was the voice of an evil spirit that snapped out some very sharp warnings, saying that I was to leave her alone and that she belonged to them.

 What happened?  I recently saw this lady Baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues!  However, a short time later, an evil spirit spoke through her and demanded that I leave her alone!  This could not be!  And yet, there it was --  a confrontation that was contrary to everything I had been taught!  This should not have happened!

 Then God spoke to me and asked if I would be willing to tell others about what He showed me.  I wrestled with this for many days, knowing that many people would not understand.  Even though it had happened before my very eyes, I had a very difficult time coming to grips with it myself.  How can a Christian possess an evil spirit?  It didn't make any sense!  But, what does make human sense when we are moving in the spirit realm?

 After much wrestling with this matter, I agreed to share my experience with others.  It was then that the Lord let me know I would be misunderstood and ostracized because of this particular ministry, but that I must always remember that Satan would be the perpetrator behind it all, attempting to destroy my credibility.

 I thank God for the day that He first opened my eyes to the deliverance ministry.  Since then, I have been able to help many of God's people whom I otherwise could never have helped.

 In this book I will tell you about my many experiences in deliverance.  But it will not be for my glory, as I am just a vessel that He has chosen.  This book is dedicated to the Glory of God.  My sincere desire and prayer is that this book may prove a blessing to many, and that light may shine forth from these pages, giving people a new and more fulfilling experience in their Christian walks.  I pray the help provided in this book will equip believers to better fulfill their Christian Ministry to which God has called them.

 The satisfaction I found since He opened my eyes to spiritual deliverance has been overwhelming.  The joy of having seen precious people liberated from the power and influence of the enemy is more rewarding than words will allow me to express!  It is because of this great satisfaction that I want to share with every believer these experiences and the little knowledge that I have gleaned over the years, in hopes that others may take the torch of the deliverance ministry and lead many out of spiritual captivity.

Rev.  William H.  Bustard


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